This blog post will cover some of the methods I am using to have a positive and productive start of my school year. I hope some of it resonates or even gives you a few ideas of what you can do to prepare.
For me, school starts up again in just a couple of days. After a summer of essentially working two jobs, taking summer classes, and working on extracurriculars, the fall semester is (quickly) approaching. I know that, like my summer, this upcoming semester will be quite busy with different moving parts. Therefore, it is important to me that I am intentional in the way that I prepare for the upcoming school year.
The first step in creating a solid foundation for the school year ahead was recognizing my priorities. I asked myself questions like: “What are some things I want to focus on this school year?” “What trade offs am I willing to make?” “What are the ways in which I want to grow, and what will help me do so?” Through reflection, I recognized that I wanted to prioritize (and create goals around) things like rest, deepening my relationship with God, building relationships, and doing well in both school and work.
I also recognized that sometimes, these priorities may conflict with one another as there are only so many hours in a day. Even so, what’s most important is that through it all I show up the best way that I can.
Secondly, I wrote down my responsibilities and commitments as well as how much time I would spend on each of them. Doing so allowed me to start thinking about how I would spend my days and maintain a “work-life balance” of sorts. That also made it extremely clear that in the name of sanity, I probably should not take up another leadership position on campus this upcoming semester.
From there, I started preparing my schedule by putting my class days and times in my calendar, creating a morning and bedtime routine, and inputting important dates for extracurriculars that I knew about. Even though some of these might change as I start navigating the semester, I want to feel as prepared as possible, and that was my way of doing so.
At this moment, I am embracing the calm before the storm. The next week or so may bring about slight chaos, but I am excited for all the good things to come.
To everyone who is also starting a new school year (or a new season/chapter of their lives): You got this. Do what you can to set yourself up for success and remember the importance of working towards your goals, trying your best, taking care of yourself.
And lastly, don’t forget to rest. You deserve it.